Friday, September 23, 2011

The End of Week One...

So... a week today since the crash.  And the saying that life goes on couldn't be any truer.  Saturday saw me working 8 hours up in Brisbane, Tuesday was out in Toowoomba, Thursday was a full 14 hour day, plus working around a trip to Sydney this weekend for my lovely sister's 21st Birthday Party.  Coming up is a full week of work, followed by a weekend of work, and a 2 week work trip to Germany... But I digress.  There's also some saying about making time for the things you love so I'm going to go with that :)

This week has seen some good progress in spite of everything.  The main aim here was to get the shell rolling so we can at least start getting things back to normal at our house, and get some garage space back.

The first step was to cut out the damaged guard.  Due to how far back it had been pushed, it was impossible for the wheel to fit without damaging it.  Just getting it out in the first place was hard enough, and required us to pretty much deflate it completely.

The damaged guard was a bastard to cut out, and required some creative grinding/crowbaring due to the amount of creases in the guard, as well as the multiple layers of metal that had to be cut simultaneously.  

This was the cut out section... Crazy to see that much metal compressed in such a manner!! Definitely gives new meaning to the term 'compact car' =P.

Suspension wise, this was the only thing that I could visually find.  One hell of a bent tie rod!!!  For those that don't know what a tie rod it, it connects your steering rack to the wheel hub, and explains why the wheels were pointing in opposite directions.

$130 for some new steering rack ends and tie rods, some more getting covered in grease and other crap, and the result?  A rolling car :)  After piecing her back together though, worked out there is a little bit more damage to the front right then I'd thought, but hopefully a new front end will sort that out.  For the time being though, both front wheels fit and roll easily, so I'll take that for what its worth.

In the process of moving her, I found this little gem inside the car... Kinda like it, reminds me of just what she's been through.

Love this last shot I managed to get right before the sun set.  Kinda looks rat-rod-ish =D 

After having a full week to properly look at things and suss everything out, I've managed to start sorting a list of needs, wants, and ways to rape my bank account...  However in order to get her at least drivable again?

Whole new front shell inc. straightening of the chassis, windscreen, front fenders, reo, headlights, front bar, radiator, intercooler, battery, pod filter, fusebox and alignment!!

Not too much to ask I don't think :) 

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